Miegakure Hide-And-Reveal Design at The Japanese Friendship Garden

The entirety of the garden is never visible at once. Instead the viewer is led to uncover intentionally hidden views of the landscape while strolling along its curved paths.

Chasing Adventure: A Solo Travel Guide to Bali

My desire to see Bali had been a long-held dream, after studying Indonesian at school and most of my Australian friends making the pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime. So when the stars aligned and I found an opportunity to take a solo trip, I couldn't have jumped faster.

Life Lessons Carson Valley Taught My Kids On Spring...

Life Lessons Carson Valley teaches my kids on Spring Break: "Don't wait," he said. I can't remember his exact words after that, his wisdom mixed with the wind, the nay of the horses, the crunch of earth beneath our boots. It was along the lines of life is short. People put off their dreams, or traveling for too long. Sometimes, you just have to go for it. This is a man who truly follows his passion.

Three-Day Guide to Vegas Without Gambling

I was invited to experience a three-day guide to Las Vegas without gambling.  Las Vegas is known for its high stakes, partying, and Elvis weddings. This was an opportunity to check out the other sides of Vegas: the adventure of rural Nevada and the finer side of the city. I have been to Las Vegas about a dozen times previously and I had goosebumps, smiles, and surprises the entire time.  I'm sharing my 36-hour itinerary to replicate my amazing trip. Here is your travel guide to the "New" Vegas.

The Energy of Cirque Du Soleil Mystere

The energy of Cirque Du Soleil Mystere left me feeling like I was a little kid, being pushed on the swings higher and higher.  The sense of intimidation at first, soon turning into exhilaration.

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Zanne, Founder, Editor & Chief Trouble Maker

Welcome to WhereGalsWander! Here we explore, connect and inspire in our pursuit to answer the question, Is There More to Life?

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Road Trip Attractions Along The Way

I've been writing a lot about road trips lately, and everything I've seen, but I had to create a list of road trip attractions along the way on these trips. These are the things that had me pull off to the shoulder, or park and explore or just shake my head moments.

Weekend Wandering

Very big week this week! JD took a road trip from Phoenix to Los Angeles...


How to Change Your Life Overnight

You may have wanted to change your life for a very long time. Your life may have changed overnight and you are feeling lost, confused and fearful. So what's the secret?

Weekend Wandering

All our posts this week from Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, right here for you.  Our...

JD’s Photo Gallery: Rota and Cádiz

JD spent a few days touring Rota and Cádiz during her time in Spain....

Thoreau and Living Deliberately

The chance to hike Walden Woods where Henry David Thoreau wandered every morning, to dip my toes into Thoreau's own pond and see the actual site of his cabin where he wrote his philosophies that continue to inspire wanderers, travelers, humanitarians.  To see a place that both inspired and reflected his sense of simplicity, appreciation, gratitude, and kindness.

When Children Grow and Travel The World

It's one of the most anxiety-ridden and proudest moments as a parent: your children...

Electric Desert (12 Photos)

Driving around AZ, you will see many Saguaros on the roadside. This iconic desert...

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In Search of Wooden Trolls and Giant Disco Balls

I never thought I would be hunting Thomas Dambo's famous giant wooden trolls in a forest, but here I am.

Epic Road Trip from Los Angeles to Zion &...

This is the story of our epic road trip from Los Angeles to Zion and Bryce National Parks in Utah.  We had limited time, but so much to see. We selected the following destinations and now share our itinerary and route for how to see 12 amazing places in only 3 days.

How to Wander The Loneliest Road

Wandering The Loneliest Road in America, otherwise known as Highway 50 across Nevada, is going back to remembering what a road trip was supposed to be.

Weekend Wandering

All our posts this week from Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, right here for you.  Our...

Travel Guide to Visiting Santa Monica Pier

We are here to help but giving you a visual tour of visiting Santa Monica Pier and a travel guide with tips and photography.